Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Letter From the Director - PLEASE READ

Dear Parents,

I have decided to cancel the meeting scheduled for next Friday, November 8th. As the leadership team was trying to identify the items that needed to be discussed, we realized that they were not things that would be most effectively addressed in a group setting. We also felt that it would be helpful to clarify some details about the organization of WCA and how to handle concerns as they arise.

There appeared to be 2 major concerns that surfaced on our Facebook group early this week.
1)     How can we propose ideas for future academic years in a way that they will be considered?
2)     How can we request modifications to be made to a current class?

First let me say that I love and respect the fact that we are all actively involved in our children's educations and have an opinion about what and how we want them to learn. We are a cooperative education group because we feel like we want similar things for our kids and can more effectively (and enjoyably) teach them together. However, it is also important to point out that we originally started this group to follow the classical education style for teaching, and we plan to continue with this model for the most part. Here is a description of their technique from the Classical Conversations website:

Based on the classical model of education, families meet weekly to introduce new memory work (or grammar of a subject) and review old memory work using Classical Conversations’  Foundations Guide as the heart of the curriculum. A trained tutor creatively introduces the memory work and leads the classroom time. The memory work is divided into 6 subjects: timeline/history, geography, math, science, Latin, and English grammar. In addition to the memory work, students also participate in a fine arts project/lesson, a science project, and an opportunity to practice oral presentation skills each week. 

Although we have deviated from using Classical Conversations' materials in some of the subjects, we are substituting curriculum that we feel are superior to CC's products but fit in well with what we are already doing.

That being said, we value each parent in our group and want to make sure everyone has the opportunity and place to share his/her ideas effectively. We have a leadership team that makes the decisions on the curriculum and methods that will be used in our instruction. If you have any ideas to share about changes or improvements we can make in future academic years, please submit them in writing to Anita. She is not the decision-maker, but one of her responsibilities is to organize the paperwork and make sure it doesn't get lost. She will ensure that they are put into my hands at our planning meeting for the following school year so they can be discussed.

Second, If you are feeling consistently overwhelmed with the requirements of a particular class, you have two options. If possible, talk about it with the Tutor of that class privately. If you are not comfortable doing so, talk with me privately. Please remember that anything shared on our Facebook group page is not considered "private". I'm not saying this to criticize anyone because we have almost all done it at one time or another, but let's try to keep the stuff on our Facebook page positive and uplifting to anyone who might read it. We want to do everything we can to build each other up.

Specifically, there were a few parents who expressed concerns regarding the Presentations class this week.  Please know they are being considered and the tutors for that class are looking at what changes they can make and will clearly let the parents know what is expected.

Thank you for all you contribute, and I look forward to continuing to have a successful year!


Mandy Maberry, WCA Director

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