Thursday, November 14, 2013

U.S. History Week 10


Continue following your syllabus. (We are currently working on Unit 10)  YOU SHOULD BEGIN READING UNCLE TOM'S CABIN THIS WEEK.   This is an amazing book!  I encourage you to read this together as a family.  The library has an audio version.

Please complete assignments that were given last week. (See Week 9 homework on the WCA blog)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Elementary Week 9

Europe Lesson 15-16: Ukraine * Greece * Bulgaria

Barbarian invasion & Vikings * St. Jerome completes the Vulgate * The Council of Chalcedon * End of the Western Roman Empire * St Benedict & Monasticism * Justinian the Great * Mohammad and Islam * Charles Martel, Pepin the Short, and Charlemagne

History Sentence
Between the 1500's - 1700's, Henry VIII of England, Louis XIV of France, Phillip II of Spain, Peter the Great of Russia, and Fredrick the Great of Prussia ruled during the age of the absolute monarchs.

Ephesians 6:9 - And, ye master, so the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him.

What are the names of the planets?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

audi (listen)
audite (listen - to more than 1 person)
tace (be quiet)
tacete (be quiet - to more than 1 person)
aperi librum (open the book)
aperite libros (open the books)
attole manum (raise your hand)
attolite manum (raise your hands)

Interrogative Pronouns (used to ask a question):
who, whom, whose, which, what

Skip counting 15
Rapid Recall Math Facts:

10 + 3 = 13 / 3 + 10 = 13
9 + 9 = 18
10 + 9 = 19 / 9 + 10 = 19

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Biology wk 9-11

There is some confusion about which module we are on after our field trip.  We are just finishing module
5 this week. Decided to stay back one week as some were behind.  We will begin module 6 next Monday Nov. 11. This puts us about one week behind, which I will fit into the break probably or go one extra week at end.
wk 9 finish mod 5
wk 10 mod.6
wk 11 mod. 6

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

American History-Week 9

American History- Week 9

We are reading the assignments for Unit 9 this week.  Our syllabuses are off because of our field trip.  Please complete the assigned reading.

All high school students answer the questions below.

Questions on "Democracy in America"

1.  What did De Tocqueville say was the basis for the American nation?
2.  What was the basis for the founding of English colonies in America?
3.  What did De Tocqueville say was the duty of lawgivers and upright men?
4.  How does De Tocqueville describe American elections?
5.  What did De Tocqueville say was the most formidable evil threatening America's future?

In addition, do the writing assignment below.  (Writing assignment due on November 18th)

Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in the 1830's, "There is no country in the world where the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America."  How is this still true and how is it not?  If things have changed, what has changed and why do you think as you do?  Write three pages on this topic.


Middle school students, your homework for the week is to research Harriet Beecher Stowe (author of Uncle Tom's Cabin) and to write a one-page report about her.

Start working on memorizing your speeches or poems.  These will be due the week we return from Christmas break.  You will have plenty of time, but you must start now.  Begin by memorizing a section at a time.  For those of you interested in the Declaration of War Speech, it is located on page 318 of American Voices.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Elementary Week 8

Europe Lesson 13-14: Romania * Moldova * Slovakia * Czeck Republic

Crucifixion, resurrection, ascension of Christ * Rome burns, Nero persecutes Christians * Destruction of Jerusalem * Pompeii burns * Split of Roman Empire * Constantine & the Edict of Milan * 1st Council of Nicaea * St. Augustine converts to Christianity

History Sentence
Between the late 1400's and the mid 1500's, Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope, Amerigo Vespucci sailed to the Americas, Balboa cross Central America to the Pacific, Magellan's crew sailed around the glob, and Coronado explored the American Southwest.

Ephesians 6:8 - Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.

What are some parts of the sun?
core, radiative zone, convective zone, sunspots, photosphere, solar flare, corona

sede (sit)
sedete (sit - to more than 1 person)
surge (rise/stand up)
surgite (rise/stand up - to more than 1 person)
scribe (write)
scribite (write - to more than 1 person)
repete (repeat)
repetite (repeat - to more than 1 person)

Reflexive Pronouns:
myself, yourself, himself/herself/itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

Skip counting 14
Rapid Recall Math Facts:

6 + 2 = 8 / 2 + 6 = 8
8 + 8 = 16
9 + 8 = 17 / 8 + 9 = 17

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Letter From the Director - PLEASE READ

Dear Parents,

I have decided to cancel the meeting scheduled for next Friday, November 8th. As the leadership team was trying to identify the items that needed to be discussed, we realized that they were not things that would be most effectively addressed in a group setting. We also felt that it would be helpful to clarify some details about the organization of WCA and how to handle concerns as they arise.

There appeared to be 2 major concerns that surfaced on our Facebook group early this week.
1)     How can we propose ideas for future academic years in a way that they will be considered?
2)     How can we request modifications to be made to a current class?

First let me say that I love and respect the fact that we are all actively involved in our children's educations and have an opinion about what and how we want them to learn. We are a cooperative education group because we feel like we want similar things for our kids and can more effectively (and enjoyably) teach them together. However, it is also important to point out that we originally started this group to follow the classical education style for teaching, and we plan to continue with this model for the most part. Here is a description of their technique from the Classical Conversations website:

Based on the classical model of education, families meet weekly to introduce new memory work (or grammar of a subject) and review old memory work using Classical Conversations’  Foundations Guide as the heart of the curriculum. A trained tutor creatively introduces the memory work and leads the classroom time. The memory work is divided into 6 subjects: timeline/history, geography, math, science, Latin, and English grammar. In addition to the memory work, students also participate in a fine arts project/lesson, a science project, and an opportunity to practice oral presentation skills each week. 

Although we have deviated from using Classical Conversations' materials in some of the subjects, we are substituting curriculum that we feel are superior to CC's products but fit in well with what we are already doing.

That being said, we value each parent in our group and want to make sure everyone has the opportunity and place to share his/her ideas effectively. We have a leadership team that makes the decisions on the curriculum and methods that will be used in our instruction. If you have any ideas to share about changes or improvements we can make in future academic years, please submit them in writing to Anita. She is not the decision-maker, but one of her responsibilities is to organize the paperwork and make sure it doesn't get lost. She will ensure that they are put into my hands at our planning meeting for the following school year so they can be discussed.

Second, If you are feeling consistently overwhelmed with the requirements of a particular class, you have two options. If possible, talk about it with the Tutor of that class privately. If you are not comfortable doing so, talk with me privately. Please remember that anything shared on our Facebook group page is not considered "private". I'm not saying this to criticize anyone because we have almost all done it at one time or another, but let's try to keep the stuff on our Facebook page positive and uplifting to anyone who might read it. We want to do everything we can to build each other up.

Specifically, there were a few parents who expressed concerns regarding the Presentations class this week.  Please know they are being considered and the tutors for that class are looking at what changes they can make and will clearly let the parents know what is expected.

Thank you for all you contribute, and I look forward to continuing to have a successful year!


Mandy Maberry, WCA Director

Monday, October 28, 2013

Sparks Class Show & Tell

Starting next Monday, November 4th, the Sparks Class will have an opportunity for Show & Tell. It will begin right after Opening (about 9:20-9:25) and the kids will have an opportunity to use the restroom before going to class. Anita will lead the Show & Tell, giving our Sparks Tutors a few more minutes to get set up for class. The kids will be in their classrooms around 9:45 each week.

The topics will be posted each week, and children are encouraged to share something in that category, along with some discussion ideas. These ideas are not given in order to give you an extra lesson to teach, as I know many of us already have a full schedule. However, an informal conversation will help your get an idea about some things he/she would like to say about the item he/she brings.

The topic for Monday, November 4th:

Bring your favorite book

Discussion ideas to help your child be ready to present. 
What is the title/name of the book?
What is the story about?
Who is the story about (main character)?
What is your favorite thing about the book?

Mid-Year Parent Meeting - Please Read!

There will be a mid-year planning meeting on:
Friday, November 8th @ 11:00 a.m.

This meeting is optional, but it is highly recommended that elementary parents attend.

We will be discussing curriculum ideas for future cycles (not this school year), as well as any smaller modifications we may want to make to elementary class structure when we come back after Christmas.

Since this is a daytime meeting, we expect you will come with your children. Weather permitting, we will be outside on the fenced-in playground area so the kids can play while we discuss our ideas. Please bring a bag lunch or snacks for your kids since it will be around lunchtime.

Elementary Week 7

Europe Lesson 11-12: Austria * Hungary * Lichtenstein * Switzerland

Architectural advances in Rome * Rome rises to world power * Fame of Julius Caesar * Egypt falls to Rome * Reign of Caesar Augustus * Birth of Christ * Ministry of John the Baptist

History Sentence
In 1517, Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation by printing the Ninety-five Theses that made Pope Leo X excommunicate him. Later, John Calvin joined the reformation.

Ephesians 6:7 - With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men.

What are the 5 kinds of stars?
Giants, Dwarfs, Variable, Novas, Neutron

casa (house)
murus (wall)
porta (door)
fenestra (window)

Possessive Adjectives:
my, your, his/hers/its, our, your, their

Skip counting 13
Rapid Recall Math Facts:

11 + 2 = 13 / 2 + 11 = 13
7 + 7 = 14
8 + 7 = 15 / 7 + 8 = 15

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Costumes Optional!

Don't forget this coming Monday, October 28th, you can wear a costume to co-op!

We also plan to have some fall treats there to share at lunch. If you have a favorite you'd like to bring, free free!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013



Week 7 assignment due October 28, 2013
In addition to your reading and memory verse for Unit 7, please complete the assignments below.  Prepare to turn them in next week and be ready to discuss in class.

Middle School and High School:

Answer the following questions.  Please remember to answer in the way we talked about in class.

Questions on Marbury v. Madison

1.  What is the relationship between the Constitution and legislative acts?
2.  What is “the province and duty of the judicial department”?
3.  Who must decide if two laws are in conflict?
4.  Marshall said that a law repugnant to the Constitution is what?

Questions on Narrative of the Life of David Crockett:  (Book should be completed this week)

1.  Describe the lifestyle that Crockett lived.
2.  How was his lifestyle different from yours?
3.  What would have attracted you to Crockett’s lifestyle?
4.  What would have kept you in the city?
5.  How was fun mixed with harsh conditions on the frontier?
6.  Describe one humorous incident Crockett relates.
7.  What was the importance of having neighbors on the frontier?
8.  What skills did Crockett have that you don’t have?
9.  How is Crockett’s description different from the perception you had of the frontier?
10.  What did you enjoy about Crockett’s writing style?

We will be reading Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass starting in Unit 8. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Elementary Week 6


Prophets of God * Roman Republic developed * Persian Wars * Pericles and the Peloponnesian War * Greek Philosophers * Nehemiah and the Jewish return * Alexander the Great * Alexander the Great conquers Egypt

History Sentence
During the Renaissance period, from 1350-1600, DaVinci was a famous inventor, Shakespear was a famous play writeMichelangelo was a famous artist, and Copernicus was a famous scientist.

Ephesians 6:6 - Not with eye service, as men-pleasers; but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.

What are the six forms of pollution?
Noise, Air, Water, Land, Thermal, Radioactive

mensa (table)
sella (chair)
stylus (pencil)
liber (book)

Possessive pronouns:
mine, yours, his/hers, ours, theirs

Skip counting 11 & 12
Rapid Recall Math Facts:

8 + 4 = 12 / 4 + 8 = 12
6 + 5 = 11 / 5 + 6 = 11
6 + 6 = 12

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Updated Calendar Available

There is an updated weekly calendar posted as a file on our Facebook Group. If you would like a copy emailed to you directly, please send a request to

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Field Trip Monday - No Scheduled Classes

This coming Monday we will suspend regularly scheduled classes for all ages in order to attend the Oklahoma History Center's annual Home School Day. When we return to regular classes on Monday, Oct. 21st we will continue with Week 6. The following information is from the OHS Website:

The Oklahoma History Center will host our 5th Annual Home School Day on Monday, October 14, from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. 

Home School Day at the History Center is designed to offer family learners the chance to participate in a program specifically designed for mixed age groups. Activities run throughout the day allowing participants to stop by any time. The museum will offer a hands-on adventure into Oklahoma’s past. Visitors can explore the museum with the help of gallery guides, follow along with our scavenger hunt, take part in hands-on demonstrations, and enjoy a variety of historical interpreters. Visitors will find activities and demonstrations throughout the galleries. 

Home School Day is designed for family learners and home school groups to come, experience, and do! No registration is required. Best of all, admission to the program is free. The museum offers a number of outdoor picnic areas or you can drop by the Winnie Mae Cafe during your visit for lunch. 

If you'd like to attend with the WCA families, we will meet at 10:00 a.m. just to the right of the front doors. If it is raining, we will meet indoors. For directions or other information, please visit their website at

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

American History - Week 6 Assignments

American History - Week 6 Assignments

You should be reading Narrative of the Life of David Crockett.  If you are having trouble obtaining the book, you may read another biography about him.  A "juvenile" book would be acceptable.

Please work on the memory verse every week and make notes in your binders regarding how the verse applies to the history we are studying.  We will discuss Monday.

I have assigned very few questions since I am late in posting them.  (I've been on vacation with my parents from California.)

Please answer the following questions:

Questions on George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation:

1. In the Thanksgiving Proclamation, what did Washington say it was a duty to do?
2.  For what did he want Americans to give thanks?
3.  What did he want Americans to ask God for?

Questions on the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

1.  What assurances do the resolutions give?
2.  What do the resolutions say about the Alien and Sedition Acts?
3.  What does the Virginia Resolution encourage the other states to do?
4.  What does the Kentucky Resolution say is the rightful remedy to unconstitutional laws?

We will hopefully have a little entertainment next week.  I will bring School House Rock on DVD next week.  If you don't know what it is, ask your parents.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Elementary Week 5

Europe lesson 9-10: Lithuania * Belarus * Netherlands * Beligum * Luxembourg

Davidic Kingdom * Solomon's Reign * Israel divides into 2 kingdoms * Homer & Greek mythology * Olympics * Founding of Rome * Greece colonized / democracy begins * Israel & Judah fall

History Sentence
During the 100 Years' Ward, Joan of Arc and King Charles VII led the French to defeat England at the Battle of Orleans. In the late 1340's rats carrying the Plague killed one out of 3 Europeans.

Ephesians 6:5 - Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ;

How do animals react to environmental change?
Adapt, Migrate, Hibernate

puella (girl)
puer (boy)
vir (man)
femina (woman)

Objective Pronouns:
me, you, him/her/it, us, you them

Skip counting 9 & 10
Rapid Recall Math Facts:

5 + 5 = 10
7 + 2 = 9 / 2 + 7 = 9
2 + 9 = 11 / 9 + 2 = 11

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Middle/High School American History Week 5


Week 5 assignment due October 7, 2013
In addition to your reading and memory verse, please complete the assignments below.  Prepare to turn them in next week. (That means, “Please do the work.”)

SO SORRY I’M LATE GETTING THIS TO YOU!  I’ve assigned less work because of it.

Middle School and High School:

Write a two-page paper (1 page for middle school) on the importance of the Bill of Rights and how protecting the rights listed there is essential to maintaining freedom in the United States.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Elementary Week 4

Europe lesson 7-8: Germany * Poland * Estonia * Latvia

The Exodus * 10 commandments * Mycenaean culture of Amenhotep IV and Monotheism * Monotheism * Reine of Tutankhamon * Later new Kingdom in Egypt * Trojan War * Phoenician civilization * The Alphabet

History Sentence
English King John signed the Magna Carta in 1215, limiting the king's power. Later, England's King Edward III claimed to be king of France and began the 100 Years' War in 1337.

Ephesians 6:4 - And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up into the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

What are the natural cycles?
Water Cycle, Carbon & Oxygen Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle

pater (father)
mater (mother)
soror (sister)
frater (brother)

Nominative Pronouns:
1, you, he/she/it, we, you, they

Skip counting 7 & 8
Rapid Recall Math Facts:

4 + 4 = 8
5 + 3 = 8 / 3 + 5 = 8
5 + 4 = 9 / 4 + 5 = 9

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

OOPS - Elementary Flip Book Correction

I noticed this morning that the History sentence in the flip book is for week 1, not week 3.

The correct sentence that our kids learned this week is:

Eleanor of Aquitaine and her son, Richard the Lionhearted, fought the Turks for Jerusalem during the time of the crusades, which occurred from 1095 to 1291.

Eleanor of Aquitaine

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sparks Class Changes

Starting Monday, September 30th we will be splitting our Sparks class into two groups. As homeschoolers we understand that our kids are growing and developing at different rates, so participation in these classes are not defined by a child's age, but their abilities. If you have a child in Sparks, please read through the class descriptions to determine in which group you feel your child would best thrive.

Pre-K/Kindergarten Class
This class will be geared more towards the kids who are not yet ready to spend a lot of time sitting and learning. There will be an emphasis on letter and number recognition and order, as well as pre-writing skills, such as fine motor development. This class will be taught by Sherrie DeBell and an assistant.

Kindergarten/1st Grade Class
This class will be focusing more on organized learning activities, and may include sit-down writing work from time to time. Children participating in this class will generally be able to follow simple instructions without difficultly. This class will be taught by Susan Meyers.

Elementary Week 3

Europe lesson 5-6: Portugal * Spain * Andorra * France

Famine in Egypt * 12 Tribes of Israel * 2nd Intermediate period in Egypt * Code of Hammurabi * Hyksos invasion of Egypt * Early new kingdom in Egypt * Moses Birth * Plagues in Egypt

History Sentence
Eleanor of Aquitaine and her son, Richard the Lionhearted, fought the Turks for Jerusalem during the time of the crusades, which occurred from 1095 to 1291.

Ephesians 6:3 - They may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.

What are the parts of the food chain?
producers, consumers, decomposers

Quid agis? (How are you?)

sum (I am)
bene (well/fine)
optime (great)
pessime (terrible)

Pronoun order:
1st person singular, 2nd person singular, 3 person singular, 1st person plural, 2nd person plural, 3rd person plural

Skip counting 5 & 6
Rapid Recall Math Facts:

3 + 2 = 5 / 2 + 3 = 5
3 + 3 = 6
3 + 4 = 7 / 4 + 3 = 7

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

American History-Week 3 homework

Week 3- Follow syllabus for the week in addition to answering the questions listed below under each lesson.
Remember what we discussed about how to answer a question with a complete sentence.

Lesson 11

1. Define the term Enlightenment referring to the period in history.
2.  What new thinking emerged in the Enlightenment about kings and government?

Lesson 12

1.  What issue was fundamental in leading to the American Revolution?
2.  What administrative change angered New Englanders?

Questions on "Sayings from Poor Richard's Almanack"

1.  How might your life be different if you followed Poor Richard's advice?
2.  Quote and explain three different sayings.
3.  Compare or contrast one saying with a teaching from the Bible (give chapter and verse reference).
4.  What was one saying that you especially enjoyed, and why?

Lesson 13

1.What happened to thousands of French-speaking Canadian who were forced out of Nova Scotia?
2.  What was the purpose of the Albany Plan of Union?

Questions on Letter 2 from "Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania"
1.  What authority of Parliament did Dickinson not question?
2.  Why did he object to the Stamp Act and the Townsend Act?
3.  Why did he object to the duties imposed by the Townsend Act?
4.  Dickinson said that if Britain could do this, it would reduce the colonists to what?

Don't forget the Bible verse of the week.  How does the scripture apply to what we are studying?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

For Biology, please have your student complete Module 2 summary and study guide.
We will do pond water experiment next week and go over summary and study guide.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Elementary Week 2

Europe lesson 3-4: Iceland * Denmark * United Kingdom * Ireland

Minoan culture * Call of Abram * God's Covenant with Abram * Hagar & Ishmael * Sodom & Gomorrah * Birth & sacrifice of Isaac * Middle Kingdom in Egypt * Joseph as a slave

History Sentence
After the church split into the Roman Catholic and Easter Orthodox, William the Conqueror defeated King Harold of England in 1066, and started feudalism.

Ephesians 6:2 - Honor they father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise;

What are the 3 types of consumers?
Herbivores, Carnivores, Omnivores

Quid est tuum praenomen? (What is your name?)

Meum praenomen est... (My name is...)

A pronoun replaces a noun in order to avoid repetition.

Skip counting 3 & 4
Rapid Recall Math Facts:

2 + 2 = 4
4 + 2 = 6 / 2 + 4 = 6
5 + 2 = 7 / 2 + 5 = 7

Sunday, September 15, 2013

September Mom's Night Out Poll

September is moving along quickly! If we want to have a Mom's Night Out, Mandy Bergersen has graciously volunteered to organize it for is.  Take the poll on the top right of the blog page to tell us whether you can make it, and which night work's best. We'll be going to Red Pin Bowling Alley in Bricktown, and it'll be about $7 per person to play.  Tell us if you can make it, and which night works for you!

Financial Statements & Forms

Anita will be handing out envelopes at Opening tomorrow to all who either have forms that they need to turn in or a balance still due. If you don't get an envelope, then you have already turned in all forms and finances due. You get a BIG smiley face from me and a virtual star to pin to your shirt. For the other 90% of us... look for an envelope. If you aren't there tomorrow, I will send you an email.
Please have Biology students bring their books, notebooks and/or lab books to class this week. We will be doing review and summary  in class. Our experiment  for chapter 2 will be following week.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Assignments for this week:Our Mother Tongue and Church History for this week .

We went over nouns for the elementary students they should do the the exercises for lesson1 this week I can grade them if you would like. Grading can be an actual %/letter grade that I keep track of and let you know the grade at the end of the year, just correct and incorrect, or none at all.  I do need to hear from you as to what you would like for me to do.  I have created a syllabus with the break down of assignments and grading (their is one column for elementary and one for mid/high schoolers.  This will enable you to see what we are working on and you can reinforce those at home if you would like even if they don't do the exercises.  The above also applies to mid/high school except we will be moving at a faster pace and covering more material! This week we covered nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
In Church History we watched a video introducing the Early Church.  You can find that video at:  it is session and the 6th video if you need to lgoin I already received permission for you to use my membership for school purposes. my login is melliebeth l3tm3b3aruby please realise that I am trusting you with this information and I ask you not to abuse it.  This week will be discussing the death of the apostles and Polycarp.  here is a great video on Polycarp and it is not very long Again with this class you are welcome to just sit in or be graded just let me know!

American History Assignment-Due Week 2

I enjoyed our first class together and am looking forward to next week!
I assigned homework in class, but I want to confirm that students must choose an assignment from page 26 of the history text.  Complete one of the 2 writing assignments that are available. Be prepared to read in class.
Also, look for the bible verse on the same page.  Memorize and meditate on that scripture.  In writing, briefly explain how you think this scripture applies to your history lesson.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Elementary Week 1

Europe lesson 1-2: Russia * Italy * Norway * Sweden * Finland

Creation * Fall in the garden * Cain & Able * The Flood * The Tower of Babel * Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt by Pharoah Menes * Old Kingdom in Egypt * 1st Intermediate Period in Egypt

History Sentence
In 800 A.D., during the medieval period, Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor of Europe.

Ephesians 6:1 - Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

What are the 7 biomes?
Grasslands, Deserts, Scrub Lands, Tundra, Deciduous Forests, Coniferous Forests, Tropical Rain Forests.

salve (hello)
vale (goodbye)
discipuli (students)
magister (male teacher)
magistra (female teacher)

What are the 8 parts of speech?
nouns * pronouns * verbs * adverbs * conjunctions * interjections * prepositions * adjectives

Skip counting 1 & 2
Rapid Recall Math Facts: All of the _ + 0 and _ + 1 concepts

Friday, September 6, 2013

Middle School Spanish - tips and tricks from the teacher

Hello Friends - 

As Jake and I are moving into our second week of lessons, we are quite overwhelmed. It can be an ENORMOUS amount of work. Here is my recommendation. Start with doing only the Core Lesson. It will give you 9 other lessons under that main category. The Core Lesson takes us at least an hour. I can't imagine doing all of the lessons they offer. If there is a particular thing you want to focus on, IE vocabulary, writing, speaking, you can do it. We just flat out do not have enough time in the day to do it all.

Biology (Week 1) - Middle School

Please have them read Chapter one PRIOR to class next week. We will go over the study guide and chapter summary together for the first class. After this first coop meeting, they will read one chapter every two weeks. They will prepare study guide at home and summary and bring to discuss (they will have two weeks to do these).

Presentations Assignment (Week 1)


The first week the kids will present about themselves. They can use a brown/white bag. Insert three items that will trigger their memory to tell about themselves. Examples would be family picture, sport medal, anything that they love or are stellar in. This is not show and tell. No toys please. Just an item to trigger their memory.

Monday, August 26, 2013

U.S. History Syllabus

Tutor:  Tracy McGinnis

Text:  Exploring America, Volumes 1 and 2
           American Voices
           Various historical fiction and biographies.  
           (See reader schedule.  Optional titles in parentheses.)

Supplies:  Three-ring binder (1 1/2 “ or 2”) with 3 tab dividers for History, Bible, and Writing/Literature

Class objectives:  In this class we will survey American history from the time of the Native Americans and the early explorers to the 21st century through the use of text material, original documents and speeches from history, biographies, and historical fiction. 

Minimum requirement for all students:  
1. Exploring America text: One Unit (5 lessons) per week.
2. Assigned readings from American Voices.  Assistance by parents is very important, as adult incite will aid your student in getting the most from the historical documents. 
3. Historical fiction and some biographies, although not every week.  These readers are vital as they bring to life the history we are studying.  
4. Bible verse to be memorized every week. Parents, please encourage your student to ponder these verses and consider how they apply to the history topic for that week.   We will discuss in class. 
5. Weekly questions to help students prepare for discussion.  (To be assigned)
6. There will be few, if any, tests.  However, ALL STUDENTS will be expected to engage in discussion. 
7. 5-minute recitation due at the end of the first semester.
8. Research report due at the end of the second semester.  

High School requirement:
       High school students will be assigned essay questions and occasional writing assignments.

Fall Semester Weekly assignments:
All assignments for the week are to be completed before that week.  For example, when classes start on September 9th, the assignments for that week (week 1) should be done.

09/09/13 - Week 1:  Unit 1, Lessons 1-5 (pages 1-24); American Voices (AV), pages 394-400 & 177-182
The memory verse for each week is located at the first part of the Unit.
09/16/13 - Week 2: Unit 2, Lessons 6-10 (pages 25-52); AV, pages 1-9 
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne (Calico Bush by Rachel Field); complete by end of Unit 3. 
09/23/13 - Week 3:  Unit 3, Lessons 11-15 (pages 53-78); AV, pages 10-19, 30-33
09/30/13 - Week 4:  Unit 4, Lessons 16-20 (pages 79-102); AV, pages 36-54, 139-142, 
10/07/13 - Week 5:  Unit 5, Lessons 21-25 (pages 103-130); AV, pages 57, 72-76
10/14/13 - Week 6:  Unit 6, Lesson 26-30 (pages 131-154); AV, pages 77-80, 91-93, 401-406, 55-56
Narrative of the Life of David Crockett; complete by end of Unit 7.
10/21/13 - Week 7:  Unit 7, Lesson 31-35 (pages 155-182); AV, pages 95-100, 103-107
10/28/13 - Week 8: Unit 8, Lesson 36-40 (pages 183-206); AV, pages 121-122
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham); complete by the end of Unit 9.
11/04/13 - Week 9:  Unit 9, Lesson 41-45 (pages 207-240); AV, pages 123-127, 129, 134-136, 146-158
11/11/13 - Week 10:  Unit 10, Lesson 46-50 (pages 241-266); AV, pages 131-132, 183, 143-145
Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe; complete by end of Unit 11.
11/18/13 - Week 11:  Unit 11, Lesson 51-55 (pages 267-296); AV, pages 188-197, 171-175
11/25/13 - Week 12:  Unit 12, Lesson 56-60 (pages 297-318)
Company Aytch by Sam Watkins (Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt); complete by the end of Unit 13 
11/02/13 – Thanksgiving Break
12/09/13 - Week 13:  Unit 13, Lesson 61-65 (pages 319-342); AV, pages 212-215, 232-235, 187
Recitation due
12/16/13 - Week 14:  Unit 14, Lesson 66-70 (pages 343-366);AV, page 67-68 (the 14th Amendment).
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott or Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy; complete over  Christmas break.
Recitation due

Spring Semester Weekly assignments:
01/13/13 - Week 15:  Unit 15, Lesson 71-75 (pages 367-396); AV, pages 239, 240, 243
Humorous Stories and Sketches by Mark Twain; complete over Christmas Break.
01/20/14 – Week 16:  Unit 16, Lesson 76-80 (pages 397-422); AV, pages 254-257, 186 (…the Learn’d Astronomer).
01/27/14 – Week 17:  Unit 17, Lesson 81-85 (pages 423-454); AV, pages 258-273, 246, 251-252
Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington; complete this week.
02/03/14 – Week 18:  Unit 18, Lesson 86-90 (pages 455-480); AV, pages 275-277, 283, 285-292
02/10/14 – Week 19:  Unit 19, Lesson 91-95 (pages 481-510); AV, page 293
Mama’s Bank Account by Kathryn Forbes; complete this week.
02/17/14 – Week 20:  Unit 20, Lesson 96-100 (pages 511-540); AV, pages 297-302, 305-306, 303
Christy by Catherine Marshall; complete by the end of Unit 21.
02/24/14 – Week 21:  Unit 21, Lesson 101-105 (pages 541-570); AV, pages 308-312
03/03/14 – Week 22:  Unit 22, Lesson 106-110 (pages 571-602); AV, pages 314-316
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor; complete by the end of Unit 23.
03/10/14 – Week 23:  Unit 23, Lesson 111-115 (pages 603-630); AV, pages 317-319
03/17/14 – Spring Break
03/24/14 – Week 24:  Unit 24, Lesson 116-120 (pages 631-658); AV, pages 320-328. 
Begin  thinking about research paper due on Week 30.   
03/31/14 – Week 25:  Unit 25, Lesson 121-125 (pages 659-682); AV, pages 329-336
04/07/14 – Week 26:  Unit 26, Lesson 126-130 (pages 683-712); AV, pages 337-353
04/14/14 – Week 27:  Unit 27, Lesson 131-135 (pages 713-744); AV, pages 407-409, 355-364
The Giver by Lois Lowry; complete by the end of Unit 28.
04/21/14 – Week 28:  Unit 28, Lesson 136-140 (pages 745-772); AV, pages 367-375
04/28/14 – Week 29:  Unit 29, Lesson 141-145 (pages 773-798); AV, pages 376-385
05/05/14 – Week 30:  Unit 30, Lesson 146-150 (pages 799-829); AV, pages 386-392

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Attention Elementary Parents!!

Please note that we have changed the schedule.  Rather than offering Rapid Math Recall as an afternoon class, we are combining it with the regular math class in the morning, and each of the elementary tutors will be using some of the techniques in their classes to aid in overall memory recall.

Check out the elementary page: to see the updated list of needed supplies and courses.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Church History Syllabus

Church History Syllabus 2013-2014

Mellie Deemy
1301 NW 80th St Oklahoma City OK 73114


Top 10 Theologians: Tim Kimberly (book and reader)
St Nicholas: Joe Wheeler
Through Gates of Splendor or another book concerning the life of Jim Elliott: Elisabeth Elliott


This class will be a non-denominational history of the church from Biblical times to present.


To learn the history of the church
To learn about different Creeds and councils and why they were significant then and how they affect us today
To learn about those who have gone before us and how their choices influence us today


You will need a notebook, dividers, and a pen or pencil
Complete each week’s assignments
There will be a 10 question quiz each week
There will be 4 section tests and one final
-Section test will be taken from the quizzes and will cover the following sections:
Early Church
Medieval Church
Reformation church
Modern Church
At the end of the first semester a book report will be due over Joe Wheeler’s book St.Nicholas a final book report over Through gates of Splendor or another book about the life of Jim Elliott will be due


Grades will be given through quizzes, tests, book reports, and class participation for a total of 1000 points possible.
25 quizzes             250 points total (10 points each)
4Tests                    200 points total (50 points each)
1 final                    100 points
2 book reports                   150 points total (75 points per report)
*Class participation          300 points total (10 points per week)
Extra Credit is available through reading correlating pages from the reader and writing a brief 1-2 paragraph summary. Each summary with be worth 10 points for a total of 100 points possible

Grade Breakdown
1000-900 points: A
899-800 points: B
799-700 points; C
699-600 points: D
599and below: F

*Can receive partial points each week will be based upon behavior, preparedness, and participation. Excused absences will be given class points as long as the work is made up for the following week.

Course Schedule:
Week 1
Intro to Class/ Video Early Church
Research Apostles  and Polycarp
EC Summary of Research
Week 2
Martyrdom of the Apostles
Read 13-22
EC Reader pp9-13

Week 3
Read 93-106
EC Reader 58-70
Week 4
Memorize Nicene & Apostles Creed
Week 5
Nicene & Apostles Creed

Read 145-159
EC Reader 138-143
Week 6
Prepare for Test 1
Finish Memorizing Creed s Prepare for Test1
Week 7
Test 1
Week 8
Video Medieval Church
Read 37-47
EC Reader 34-42
Week 9
Read 66-76
EC Reader 44-47
Week 10
Research Great Schism and the Crusades
EC Summary of Research
Week 11
Great Schism/ Crusades
Prepare for Test 2
Prepare for Test 2
Week 12
Test 2
Research Wycliffe
EC Summary of Research
Enjoy Break J
Week 13
Research John Huss
EC  Summary of Research
Read St Nicolas Joe Wheeler and write book report Due 1.13

Week 14
Read St Nicolas Joe Wheeler and write book report Due 1.13
Enjoy break J
Week 15
Bubonic Plague
Week 16
Video Reformation
Read 125-143
EC Reader 90-137

Week 17
Read 109-123
EC Reader 72-88
Week 18

Week 19
5 Solas of the Reformation
Prepare for Test3
Prepare for Test 3
Week 20
Test 3
None J
Week 21
Video Modern Church
Read 79-91
EC Reader 48-57
Week 22
Read 25-35
EC Reader 27-33
Week 23

Read 49-64 EC read some CS Lewis (Not Narnia) and summarize
Week 24
C.S. Lewis
READ Through Gates of Splendor and prepare book report due 4.28
EC research a modern missionary and summarize

Week 25

Modern Missionary Movement (Willam Carey, Adoniram Judson, etc…)

READ Through Gates of Splendor and prepare book report due 4.28
EC research Billy Graham and Summarize
Week 26
Fundamentalism/Evangelicalism/Billy Graham
Prepare for Test 4
READ Through Gates of Splendor and prepare book report due 4.28
Prepare for Test 4
Week 27
Test 4
READ Through Gates of Splendor and prepare book report due 4.28
Prepare for Q&A and Final
Week 28

READ Through Gates of Splendor and prepare book report due 4.28
Week 29
Prepare for Final
Prepare for Final
Week 30
Have a great Summer!